Nestled just off the highway, Exit 38 isn’t just any ordinary stop. It’s a gateway to an adrenaline-fueled adventure that attracts rock climbers from all over. With its craggy faces and breathtaking views, it’s a spot that’s hard to beat for enthusiasts and newbies alike.

The area boasts a variety of routes, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Whether you’re looking to test your limits or just spend a day soaking in the beauty of nature while challenging yourself, Exit 38’s got you covered. Let’s dive into what makes this climbing haven a must-visit for anyone looking to scale new heights.

History of Exit 38

Exit 38’s transformation into a rock climbing mecca is as fascinating as its crags are challenging. Nestled along the Interstate 90 corridor, this area was once known more for its logging and railroad operations than for its outdoor sports opportunities. The transition began in the late 1980s when a group of avid climbers, seeking new thrills and challenges, stumbled upon the craggy landscapes that Exit 38 offered. They saw potential in the rugged terrain, abundant with natural rock formations perfect for climbing.

The pioneers of Exit 38 climbing started with a handful of routes, equipped with minimal gear and driven by sheer passion. They were the trailblazers who established the foundations for what would become one of the most popular climbing destinations in the region. Their relentless pursuit not only carved out the climbing paths but also sparked interest within the climbing community. As word spread, more climbers flocked to the area to test their skills against the unique rock faces.

Throughout the 1990s, Exit 38 underwent significant developments as more routes were added, and the infrastructure around the climbing areas was enhanced to accommodate the growing number of visitors. Local climbing clubs and organizations took the initiative to maintain and preserve these natural rock climbing havens. They worked diligently to ensure that the routes were safe and accessible while advocating for the conservation of the natural environment.

  • Late 1980s: Discovery of climbing potential by local climbers
  • Early 1990s: First climbing routes established
  • Mid to late 1990s: Rapid expansion of climbing routes and visitor infrastructure
  • Early 2000s: Conservation efforts initiated to protect the natural environment

Today, the climbing community at Exit 38 embodies a blend of respect for the area’s history and excitement for its future. The stories of the early climbers, their adventures, and their dedication to the sport continue to inspire new generations. These climbers not only seek the thrill of ascending the challenging routes but also contribute to the ongoing development and preservation of this climbing paradise. Their efforts ensure that Exit 38 remains a vibrant and accessible destination for rock climbing enthusiasts around the world.

Different Types of Climbing Routes

Exit 38 is not just a single-story rock climbing destination; it’s a compendium of diverse climbing experiences, each beckoning with its unique challenge and allure. The area boasts a variety of routes that cater to climbers of all skill levels, from beginners taking their first vertical steps to seasoned pros seeking to conquer their next project.

Sport Climbing routes dominate the landscape at Exit 38, offering well-bolted paths up the crag. These routes range in difficulty, providing a thrill for climbers who relish the chance to push their limits while relying on pre-placed protection. The accessibility of sport routes has made them a popular choice, ensuring climbers can focus on technique and improvement without undue concern for gear placement.

Traditional (Trad) Climbing takes a step back to the roots of climbing, inviting adventurers to navigate routes where they must place their own protection. It’s a test of not only physical endurance and climbing skill but also of mental fortitude and risk management. Trad routes at Exit 38 often weave through less-traveled paths, offering a quieter, more introspective climbing experience.

For those who prefer a shorter, more intense challenge, Bouldering has found its niche within the Exit 38 climbing community. Boulders pepper the area, providing problems that range from easy puzzles to complex sequences that might take days or even weeks to solve. Climbers find bouldering at Exit 38 to be a social activity, as mats are laid out and friends gather to offer advice, encouragement, and sometimes just a spot to ensure safety.

Multi-Pitch Climbing routes are the epic tales of Exit 38. These climbs take adventurers high above the forest floor, ascending routes that require multiple lengths of rope to complete. Climbers embarking on these journeys will experience the full gamut of emotions, from the anticipation of the first pitch to the satisfaction of surmounting the final bulge. Multi-pitch routes at Exit 38 offer breathtaking views and a sense of achievement that’s unparalleled.

Here are some notable routes by category:

Type Number of Routes Difficulty Range
Sport Over 200 5.6 – 5.13
Trad About 50 5.7 – 5.11
Bouldering Dozens

Safety Tips for Rock Climbing at Exit 38

Rock climbing, while an exhilarating experience, comes with inherent risks. Understanding and applying safety measures at Exit 38 can significantly reduce these risks, ensuring climbers have both a fun and safe outing. Given the variety of climbs available, from Sport to Multi-Pitch adventures, it’s crucial that climbers equip themselves with the knowledge and gear tailored to their chosen style.

Firstly, checking the weather before heading out can’t be stressed enough. Sudden changes in weather can affect the rock’s grip, and Exit 38 is known for its quick weather shifts. Climbers should always be prepared for rain or shine, with the appropriate gear on hand. This includes bringing along sufficient water and sun protection for sunny days, or water-resistant clothing for unexpected rain showers.

Appropriate climbing gear is another non-negotiable. Climbers must ensure their gear is not only suited to the style of climbing they’re engaging in, but also well-maintained and checked before each climb. This includes, but is not limited to, helmets, harnesses, ropes, and carabiners. For those attempting Trad routes, a thorough knowledge of how to place and remove protection is fundamental. The community at Exit 38 often emphasizes the value of double-checking gear, both your own and your partner’s, before beginning any ascent.

Knowing the limits of your climbing ability is crucial. Attempting routes that are beyond one’s skill level can lead to accidents. It’s advisable for climbers to start with routes that match their proficiency and gradually progress to more challenging paths. Exit 38 offers climbs for all levels, making it an ideal place to slowly push your limits under safe circumstances.

Taking a climbing course can provide invaluable knowledge and experience, especially for novices. Many organizations and climbing gyms offer courses on the fundamentals of rock climbing, safety procedures, and emergency responses. Learning from seasoned climbers can accelerate skill acquisition and improve safety awareness when climbing at Exit 38.

The social aspect of climbing at Exit 38 also plays a significant role in safety. Climbing with partners or groups not only makes the experience more enjoyable but also adds a layer of security. Your climbing partners can offer a spot, manage belaying, and provide immediate assistance if an accident occurs.

Must-Have Gear for a Successful Climb

Rock climbing at Exit 38 attracts adventurers from all corners, eager to test their mettle against the challenging routes this area offers. However, embarking on such an adventure requires more than just courage and determination. The right gear is essential to ensure not only a successful climb but also the safety of climbers. Knowing what to bring can mean the difference between an exhilarating experience and an unfortunate mishap.

At the core of any climber’s gear list is the climbing harness. This isn’t just any piece of equipment; it’s a lifeline. A well-fitting harness secures a climber to the rope, providing a measure of security as they navigate tricky ascents.

Climbing shoes are another non-negotiable. Designed to give climbers better traction and support, these shoes can turn a precarious grip into a solid foothold. It’s not just about having shoes, though; it’s about having the right ones for your feet and the type of climbing you’ll be doing.

For those tackling the sheer faces at Exit 38, a reliable belay device is indispensable. This small yet mighty tool controls the rope during a climb, offering protection in case of a fall. Whether you prefer a traditional ATC or a more modern assisted-braking device, choosing a belay device you’re comfortable with is crucial.

Here’s a quick rundown of some essential climbing gear and its purpose:

Gear Item Purpose
Climbing Harness Secures climber to the rope
Climbing Shoes Provides traction and support on the rock
Belay Device Controls the rope, offering protection
Helmet Protects the head from falling debris
Chalk and Chalk Bag Improves grip by absorbing sweat

No climber should overlook the importance of helmets. While often underestimated, helmets are vital for protecting against falling debris, a common hazard in climbing. A moment’s inconvenience wearing a helmet can prevent a serious injury.

Lastly, don’t forget your chalk and chalk bag. A climber’s grip is their most precious asset, and chalk helps to keep hands dry, ensuring a firmer grip on the rock. Whether it’s a challenging overhang or a slippery slab, having chalk at the ready can be a game-changer.

Top Scenic Views and Highlights

Exit 38 offers some of the most stunning vistas and unique rock formations that climbers can enjoy. Nestled in the heart of the Cascades, this climbing destination is not just about the adrenaline rush, but also about soaking in the breathtaking landscapes.

One of the must-see views is from the Far Side area. As climbers ascend, they’re treated to a panoramic view of the Snoqualmie Valley. The lush greenery, speckled with the vibrant colors of wildflowers during the spring and summer months, makes for a captivating sight. The serene beauty of the Snoqualmie River winding through the valley adds to the picturesque scene, providing climbers with a perfect blend of thrill and tranquility.

Deception Crags is another area where the scenery commands attention. Here, the unique rock formations create an otherworldly landscape. Climbers have shared that at sunset, the way the light plays off the crags can make the whole area glow, a truly magical experience that feels like a reward for tackling the challenging routes.

Highlights of climbing at Exit 38 include:

  • Breathtaking Views: The climbing routes offer spectacular views of the surrounding mountains and valleys.
  • Diverse Climbing Routes: With over 500 routes, climbers of all skill levels can find challenges suitable for their abilities.
  • Unique Rock Formations: The area boasts some of the most interesting and unique rock formations, making each climb a discovery.

For climbers who appreciate nature’s artwork, Amazonia offers a particularly lush and verdant backdrop. This area is a bit more secluded and delivers a sense of peace and privacy that’s hard to find elsewhere. The dense foliage and the chorus of birds provide a soothing soundtrack to the climbing experience.

Photography enthusiasts will find no shortage of subjects to capture, from the majestic panoramic views to the intricate details of the rock formations and the diverse wildlife that calls this area home. It’s not uncommon to spot deer, eagles, and other wildlife, adding another layer of enjoyment to the climbing adventure.

Visitors often comment on how Exit 38 is not just a climbing destination but a place where nature’s beauty is on full display, offering moments of reflection and connection with the natural world. Whether it’s the thrill of the climb, the awe-inspiring views, or the peacefulness of the natural surroundings, Exit 38 has something for everyone.


Exploring Exit 38 for rock climbing isn’t just about the sport. It’s a journey into nature’s art gallery, with each route offering a new perspective on the world. Whether it’s the breathtaking panoramas from the Far Side or the enchanting evening light at Deception Crags, this destination has a way of connecting climbers with the beauty around them. Beyond the thrill of the ascent, it’s the serene moments and stunning views that linger in the memory. So whether you’re there to challenge yourself on the rocks or to capture the perfect sunset, Exit 38 promises an adventure that’s as rewarding as it is unforgettable.

Hey there! I'm Paul Carter, a lifelong Tacoma resident. I've seen Tacoma change from a sleepy small town to a thriving modern city. I love to explore the unique places and stories that Tacoma has to offer. This website is my love letter to my hometown, sharing its hidden gems and insider tips. So, come explore Tacoma with a true local!