Nestled in the heart of Washington State, Thornewood Castle stands as a testament to historical grandeur and architectural elegance. Built over a century ago, this enchanting estate captures the imagination of all who visit, transporting them back to an era of opulence and romance. With its meticulously crafted gardens and stunning Gothic Revival architecture, Thornewood isn’t just a residence; it’s a piece of history, a bridge to the past where every stone tells a story.

The allure of Thornewood Castle goes beyond its physical beauty; it embodies the dreams and ambitions of Chester Thorne, one of the key figures in the Pacific Northwest’s early 20th-century development. This majestic home, often referred to as “the house that love built,” is not only a marvel of design and craftsmanship but also a monument to enduring love and vision. As visitors wander through its halls, they’re enveloped in an atmosphere that whispers tales of yesteryears, inviting them to uncover the secrets held within its walls.

History of Thornewood Castle

In the heart of Washington State lies Thornewood Castle, a place where history peels off the walls like layers of paint, revealing stories of love, ambition, and an era soaked in opulence. But why should we care about this castle, with its 500-year-old stained glass and gardens designed by the Olmsted Brothers? Because this is not just a tale of bricks and mortar. This is the story of a man’s quest to immortalize his love in stone, and how this quest has kept the castle vividly alive even a century later.

Chester Thorne, one of the founding fathers of Tacoma, Washington, embarked on a monumental journey in the early 20th century to create a home that was a testament to his love for his wife, Anna. Thornewood isn’t just a house; it’s a 500-year-old Elizabethan manor meticulously dismantled in England, shipped across the Atlantic, and reassembled in the United States. Imagine the grandeur of such a project at that time. Why go through all this trouble? Thorne’s vision was not just to build a home but to create a legacy, a physical manifestation of his devotion and taste, which visitors today can still experience firsthand.

Walking through Thornewood Castle, one can’t help but feel transported to another era. Each room whispers tales of the past, from the grand entrance decked with 16th-century stained glass to the sunken English garden that invites contemplation and wonder. These elements serve as a catalyst for imagination, urging one to ponder the lives that unfolded within these walls.

Beyond the opulence and romance, Thornewood Castle stands as a stunning example of the Gothic Revival architecture that was en vogue during the turn of the century. This style, characterized by ornate detailing, pointed arches, and a penchant for the medieval, is a direct nod to Thorne’s ambitions and his desire to bring a piece of European charm to the Pacific Northwest. It’s this melding of architectural audacity and personal passion that elevates Thornewood from merely an impressive estate to a living, breathing chronicle of human endeavor.

Architectural Marvels of Thornewood Castle

When stepping into Thornewood Castle, visitors are not just entering a building; they’re stepping into a story, a testament to love and a shrine to architectural genius. It begs the question, why should one care about the stone and mortar of Thornewood? Beyond its historic significance and breathtaking beauty, each element of the Castle’s design tells a tale of ambition, affection, and artistic endeavor.

The castle’s Gothic Revival architecture is a central character in its story. Given its rarity in the United States, especially in the Pacific Northwest, Thornewood’s style sets it apart. The design makes a bold statement, challenging the norm and asking why can’t a piece of medieval Europe flourish in modern America? Chester Thorne, when conceptualizing Thornewood, wasn’t just building a home; he was crafting a legacy. His choice to import a 500-year-old Elizabethan manor piece by piece from England was not merely for grandeur but as a declaration of his devotion and vision.

Thornewood’s creekside location, rather than being chosen for convenience, was selected for its natural beauty and the sense of tranquility it offers. This thoughtful placement showcases Thorne’s appreciation for landscape and architecture’s intertwined destinies. It’s a reminder that true beauty in architecture respects and enhances its environment rather than dominating it.

The Intricate Stained Glass Windows, some dating back to the 16th century, illuminate not just the castle’s rooms but also the artistry of the past. Each panel tells a story, a frozen tableau of color and light, offering a glimpse into the artisan’s mind. Their preservation within Thornewood’s walls speaks to a dedication not just to aesthetic but to history and craftsmanship.

Finally, the English Sunken Garden, designed by the renowned Olmsted Brothers, further illustrates Thorne’s vision. Here, nature and architecture exist in harmony, forming a living masterpiece that changes with the seasons. It’s as if Thorne asked, why should nature be left to chance when it can be woven into the very fabric of our living spaces?

Gardens of Thornewood Castle

Walking through the Gardens of Thornewood Castle, one can’t help but feel as though they’ve been whisked away into a storybook. These gardens aren’t just a feast for the eyes; they’re a journey through time and emotion, woven into the very fabric of Thornewood’s history. Why should this matter to you? Imagine stepping into a realm where every petal, path, and pebble has a story to tell, offering not just beauty, but a connection to the past that’s both profound and personal.

The Olmsted Brothers, famed for their contributions to American landscape architecture, were the visionaries behind the English Sunken Garden. It’s a masterpiece that challenges the norm, asking visitors to consider not just what gardens are, but what they could be. This isn’t just about landscaping; it’s about creating an immersive experience that captivates and inspires. Each meticulously planned section of the garden reflects the Thornewood’s commitment to blending natural beauty with human creativity, making the gardens a living, breathing work of art.

Let’s talk personal stories. Imagine the countless couples who’ve strolled these paths, whispering sweet nothings or pondering future dreams. It’s these moments, these intimate connections with the garden, that turn a simple walk into a memory that lasts a lifetime.

The diversity of flora within the gardens serves as a testament to the ambition and foresight of Chester Thorne. He ensured that species not only thrived but told a story — a story of aspiration, of yearning to bring the world closer, one plant at a time. This wasn’t just about collecting plants; it was about collecting experiences, about crafting a living, breathing mosaic of global biodiversity.

Moreover, the incorporation of natural elements, such as the creek, into the garden’s design highlights an understanding that true beauty lies in harmony with nature, not dominance over it. This approach invites visitors to reflect on their relationship with the natural world, urging a deeper appreciation and respect for our planet’s delicate balance.

The Gardens of Thornewood Castle are more than just a beautiful escape; they are a curated journey through history, emotion, and nature. Each step through these grounds is a step through time, where the past and present converge amidst the rustle of leaves and the soft murmur of the creek.

The Legacy of Chester Thorne

Chester Thorne, a name synonymous with ambition and foresight, carved a niche in history through the creation of Thornewood Castle. But why should we care about this piece of history? Why does Thorne’s legacy matter in our fast-paced, always-looking-forward world? The answer lies not just in the bricks and mortar of Thornewood but in the stories these walls contain, lessons of resilience, creativity, and the human touch in architecture that still resonate today.

Thorne wasn’t just building a home; he was crafting an experience, a sanctuary that would stand the test of time. Imagine transporting parts of a 400-year-old Elizabethan manor from England to the United States, a feat unheard of in the early 20th century. This wasn’t merely an act of preservation but a bold statement on the importance of history in shaping our future. It challenges us to reconsider our relationship with the past: Is it merely a shadow to be outpaced, or does it hold the key to innovation?

Within the walls of Thornewood, every room, every stone, and every carving tells a story. These aren’t just tales of bygone eras but narratives of human endeavor, passion, and the pursuit of beauty against all odds. Thorne’s attention to detail and dedication to craftsmanship imbue Thornewood with a soul seldom found in modern constructions. It begs the question, are we building merely for the present, or are we leaving a legacy that speaks to future generations?

Thorne’s environmental foresight in the gardens of Thornewood is another aspect of his legacy worth exploring. The partnership with the Olmsted Brothers to design a garden that would transcend mere aesthetics to become an ecological haven was revolutionary. In an age where the environment is under constant threat, Thorne’s vision serves as a reminder of the delicate balance between man and nature. It prompts us to think: How are we contributing to that balance today?

Thornewood isn’t just a castle; it’s a testament to the enduring power of dreams and hard work. Chester Thorne’s legacy invites us to dream big, to respect our past while building for the future, and to infuse our endeavors with passion and precision. It challenges us to think about the mark we’re leaving on the world, urging us to create not just for our time but for centuries to come.

Exploring the Secrets of Thornewood Castle

A castle is more than just stone and mortar; it’s a narrative woven from the dreams, ambitions, and perhaps the mysteries of those who once walked its halls. Why should someone care about Thornewood Castle, an edifice not perched on an ancient European hilltop but rather nestled along the shores of American soil in Lakewood, Washington? The answer lies not merely in its aesthetic appeal or architectural grandeur but in the stories that permeate its walls.

The Heart of Thornewood: More Than Bricks and Mortar

At first glance, Thornewood Castle commands respect for its sheer historic beauty and the precision of its craftsmanship. But looking deeper, one finds that its true essence springs from the personal tale of Chester Thorne and the love he poured into its creation. Imagine transplanting a 400-year-old Elizabethan manor from England to the Pacific Northwest at the dawn of the 20th century. Why undertake such a colossal task? It wasn’t just to flaunt wealth or status; it was a testament to a man’s love for his wife, Anna. They didn’t just build a house; they cultivated a legacy of love, brick by brick.

The Gardens: A Testament to Harmony

The Thorne estate reveals its secrets not just through the stones of its castle but through the whispers of its gardens. Designing these gardens, the Thornes enlisted the expertise of the Olmsted Brothers, famed for their role in crafting New York City’s Central Park. But why focus on the gardens? They represent a pioneering vision of coexistence with nature, a balance between the tamed and the wild that challenges us to think about our environmental footprints. Today, as debates rage on about sustainability and conservation, the grounds of Thornewood offer silent testimony to the importance of thoughtful stewardship of our natural surroundings.


Thornewood Castle stands as a beacon of historical and architectural significance, weaving together the threads of love, legacy, and environmental consciousness. Through Chester Thorne’s vision, it transcends mere opulence to embody a deeper connection with the past and a thoughtful engagement with the natural world. The castle’s stories and mysteries invite reflection, offering lessons on the importance of preserving our heritage and living in harmony with our environment. As a narrative cast in stone and flora, Thornewood Castle continues to inspire and captivate those who walk its halls and gardens, reminding us of the enduring power of love and the responsibility we hold towards our planet.

Hey there! I'm Paul Carter, a lifelong Tacoma resident. I've seen Tacoma change from a sleepy small town to a thriving modern city. I love to explore the unique places and stories that Tacoma has to offer. This website is my love letter to my hometown, sharing its hidden gems and insider tips. So, come explore Tacoma with a true local!